दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि
दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि
A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection
Requesting imperatives
विनंती क्रिया
can you design a picture
can you ponder
will cleanse
will you abash
will you abate
will you abrade
will you absorb
will you accept
will you accomplish
will you account
will you accuse
will you acquire
will you act
will you add
will you adjust
will you adorn
will you adorn the hair
will you adulterate
will you affix
will you aggravate
will you agitate
will you alarm
will you alight
will you allocate
will you allot
will you allow
will you amputate
will you appal
will you apply
will you apply collyrium
will you apportion
will you apprise
will you arise
will you arrange a link up with someone
will you arrest
will you ascend
will you ask
will you assimilate
will you assist in urinating
will you attach
will you attain
will you attire
will you avoid
will you awaken
will you award
will you bang
will you bark
will you bathe someone
will you be angry
will you be available
will you be dislocated
will you be in contact
will you be liberated
will you be scared
will you be submerged
will you bear
will you beat
will you beat mildly
will you beat or thrash
will you beg
will you behold
will you bend
will you beseech
will you besmear
will you bestow
will you betray
will you bind
will you bite
will you blend
will you blot out
will you blot up
will you blow
will you blow out
will you boil and condense
will you boost
will you boost a row
will you bore holes
will you bow
will you braid
will you break
will you brew
will you brighten
will you bring
will you bring fear
will you bring up
will you bruise
will you brush
will you buff
will you build
will you bump
will you burn
will you burnish
will you burrow
will you burst
will you bury
will you butt with horns
will you buy
will you calculate
will you call
will you capsize
will you capture
will you carry away
will you carry or bear burden
will you carve
will you cast aside
will you catch
will you catch hold of
will you cause anxiety
will you cause boil
will you cause burn
will you cause burning
will you cause damage
will you cause mental agitation
will you cause someone to grind
will you cause something to be dusty
will you cause to arrest
will you cause to become moist
will you cause to bend
will you cause to break
will you cause to catch
will you cause to cool
will you cause to curve
will you cause to dampen
will you cause to decrease
will you cause to drain
will you cause to dry
will you cause to end
will you cause to entangle
will you cause to evaporate
will you cause to fall down
will you cause to fit tight
will you cause to flourish
will you cause to flow
will you cause to fold
will you cause to germinate
will you cause to get something cold
will you cause to hang something
will you cause to lean
will you cause to lift
will you cause to listen
will you cause to merge
will you cause to mix
will you cause to overflow
will you cause to release
will you cause to ripen
will you cause to search
will you cause to send someone back
will you cause to settle
will you cause to sink
will you cause to smash
will you cause to sour
will you cause to spread
will you cause to sting
will you cause to touch
will you cause to touch with feet
will you cause to trample
will you cease to remember
will you change
will you chant
will you charm
will you chastise
will you cheat
will you chew
will you chide
will you choose
will you chop
will you churn
will you clasp on
will you claw
will you clean
will you cleanse
will you cleave
will you climb
will you climb down
will you close
will you clothe
will you coat
will you coil
will you collect
will you collide
will you colour
will you comb
will you come
will you come by
will you come out
will you comfort
will you communicate
will you compel give
will you compel to award
will you compel to gift
will you compel to grant
will you compel to handover
will you compel to pay
will you compel to proffer
will you compliment
will you compress
will you compute
will you conceal
will you condense
will you conduct
will you connect
will you consent
will you conserve
will you consider
will you constrain
will you constrict
will you construct
will you contaminate
will you control
will you convene
will you converse
will you convert
will you convey
will you cook
will you coquet
will you cough
will you count
will you cover
will you cover up
will you crack
will you cram in
will you crash
will you crawl
will you create
will you create awareness
will you creep
will you cremate
will you cross
will you cross over
will you crush
will you crush to powder
will you cry
will you curse
will you cut
will you cut open
will you dab
will you dance
will you dart
will you dash
will you daub
will you dawdle
will you deceive
will you decorate
will you deep fry in oil
will you defeat
will you defecate
will you defend
will you defile
will you defraud
will you dehusk
will you deliver
will you demand
will you demolish
will you demonstrate
will you dent
will you depart
will you descend
will you desecrate
will you detach
will you detach scales
will you detonate
will you devour
will you die
will you dig
will you digest
will you dine
will you dint
will you dip
will you dirty
will you disburse
will you disclose
will you disconcert
will you disentangle
will you disgorge
will you dislodge
will you dismount
will you dispatch
will you disperse
will you display
will you disrobe
will you dissect
will you dissolve
will you distribute
will you do
will you dole out meals
will you douse
will you download
will you drag
will you draw
will you draw in
will you dress
will you dress someone
will you drill
will you drink
will you drink fast
will you drip
will you drive
will you drive away
will you droop
will you drop
will you drop down
will you drown
will you drub
will you drub hard
will you dry grind
will you dupe
will you dust
will you dwell
will you dye
will you earn
will you eat
will you educate
will you elbow
will you elevate
will you embark
will you embarrass
will you enchant
will you encircle
will you end
will you endure
will you enjoy
will you entice
will you entrap
will you entwine
will you envelope
will you erect
will you escape
will you evince
will you evoke
will you excavate
will you excoriate
will you excrete
will you exert force
will you exhibit
will you expect
will you expel
will you expire
will you explain
will you extinguish
will you extract
will you extricate
will you face debacle
will you face defeat
will you fail
will you fall
will you fasten
will you fasten on
will you fasten or clip
will you fear
will you feed
will you feel
will you fell
will you fetch
will you fight
will you fill
will you fill up
will you fill with smoke
will you filter
will you find
will you find out
will you finish
will you finish off
will you fix
will you flash
will you flatten
will you flatter
will you flick off
will you fling
will you flip over
will you float
will you float in air
will you fly
will you foment
will you fool
will you force in
will you force someone to return something
will you force to obey
will you forcefully open a flower
will you forget
will you forgo
will you form a scum
will you frighten
will you frighten very much
will you fumigate
will you furl
will you gain
will you gallop
will you gather
will you get
will you get done
will you get down
will you get fatter and fatter
will you get immersed
will you get measured or counted
will you get out
will you get out of clutches
will you get over
will you get possession of
will you get soaked
will you get someone to fill up
will you get someone uproot
will you get something buried
will you get up
will you get wet
will you gift
will you give
will you give a tour
will you give entry
will you give out
will you glean
will you glide
will you glimpse
will you gnash
will you gnaw
will you go
will you go around
will you go by
will you gore
will you gouge
will you grab
will you grant
will you grate
will you grin
will you grind
will you guard
will you guzzle
will you gyrate
will you hack
will you half stew
will you halt some action
will you handle
will you handover
will you hang
will you hang something
will you harass
will you harvest
will you hash
will you hasten someone
will you have a luxuriant growth
will you hear
will you heat
will you heave
will you heed
will you help comprehend
will you help live
will you hew
will you hew by knife
will you hide
will you hide yourself
will you hit
will you hitch
will you hoist
will you hold
will you hoodwink
will you hunt
will you hurl
will you hurt
will you ignite
will you illumine
will you immerse
will you immolate
will you implore
will you incant spell
will you incise
will you incite quarrel
will you increase
will you indent
will you indicate
will you infiltrate
will you inflate
will you inflict pain
will you inflict sorrow
will you inform
will you inject
will you insert
will you instruct
will you intensify a problem
will you interlace
will you intertwine
will you interweave
will you intimidate
will you invert
will you invite
will you irk
will you irrigate
will you itch
will you jab
will you join
will you jostle
will you jump in joy
will you keep
will you keep from harm
will you keep safe
will you keep safely
will you kick
will you kill
will you knit
will you laugh
will you launder
will you lay
will you lay down
will you lay eyes on
will you lean
will you learn
will you leave
will you leave food on plate without eating
will you leave to rot
will you lessen
will you let absorb
will you let absorb liquid
will you let fall
will you let go
will you let know
will you let soak
will you level
will you lick
will you lift
will you lift down
will you lift up
will you light
will you lighten
will you listen
will you live
will you look
will you look after
will you look out
will you loosen
will you lose
will you lose weight
will you lower
will you lull to sleep
will you lunch
will you macerate
will you make
will you make cuts
will you make escape
will you make fall
will you make flow
will you make happen
will you make home
will you make loose
will you make one feel shy
will you make one stay
will you make someone accept someone or thing
will you make someone beat
will you make someone bite
will you make someone climb
will you make someone cry
will you make someone dance
will you make someone drink
will you make someone fail
will you make someone play
will you make someone play music
will you make someone play musical instruments
will you make someone read
will you make someone return
will you make someone ring
will you make someone take in the smell
will you make someone walk
will you make something cling to
will you make suffer
will you make understand
will you make upright
will you maltreat
will you mangle
will you mash
will you massage
will you meander
will you measure
will you meet
will you melt
will you mention
will you mill
will you mine
will you mislead
will you mix
will you mop
will you mount
will you move
will you munch
will you narrate
will you nibble
will you nip
will you nip up leaves
will you notice
will you notify
will you nourish
will you oar
will you obey
will you observe
will you obtain
will you open
will you open a closed thing
will you operate something
will you oust
will you overturn
will you pacify
will you paddle
will you parboil
will you pare
will you pass by
will you paste
will you pat
will you pause
will you paw
will you pay
will you pay off
will you peck
will you peel
will you pen
will you penetrate
will you perceive
will you perforate
will you perform something
will you permeate
will you pick
will you pick at
will you pick up
will you pierce
will you pin
will you pitch
will you place
will you plait
will you plant
will you play
will you play music
will you plead
will you plough
will you pluck
will you plunder
will you point out
will you poke
will you polish
will you pollute
will you possess
will you pound
will you pour
will you powder
will you pray god
will you preserve
will you press
will you prick
will you proffer
will you protect
will you prune
will you publish
will you puke
will you pull
will you pull up
will you pull up plants
will you pull-out
will you pulverise
will you purchase
will you push
will you push hard
will you push in
will you put
will you put in
will you put on
will you put out
will you put someone to sleep
will you put the lid on
will you quaff
will you quarrel
will you race
will you raise
will you rake
will you ram
will you ration out
will you re-root a plant
will you reach
will you read
will you rebuff
will you rebuke
will you receive
will you recite
will you reckon
will you recount
will you refrain
will you relate
will you release
will you remain
will you remove
will you remove knots
will you remove the rib from the coconut leaf
will you rend
will you rent
will you repay
will you reprimand
will you request
will you rescue
will you reserve
will you ret
will you retain
will you return
will you return something
will you reveal
will you revolve
will you ridicule
will you ring
will you rinse
will you rip
will you rise
will you rive
will you roam
will you roast
will you roast and puff
will you rob
will you rock
will you rock and fro
will you roll
will you roll and suck
will you roll in
will you roll in and pack
will you roll out
will you roll up
will you rotate
will you rouse
will you row
will you rub
will you run
will you rupture
will you safeguard
will you sag
will you sand paper
will you save
will you say
will you scald
will you scale
will you scare
will you scatter
will you scold
will you scour
will you scour and wash
will you scrape
will you scratch
will you scratch to relieve itch
will you scrub
will you sear
will you search
will you seat
will you secure
will you see
will you seek
will you seize
will you select
will you sell
will you send
will you separate
will you serve food
will you set
will you set free
will you settle a business
will you settle down
will you sever
will you sew
will you shake
will you shake off
will you shear
will you shelter
will you shield
will you shift
will you shove
will you show
will you shower
will you shut
will you shutter
will you sieve
will you sift
will you sing
will you sink
will you sit
will you skin
will you slam
will you slash
will you slay
will you sleep
will you slice
will you slide
will you slip or take off
will you slop
will you slumber
will you slump
will you smash
will you smash on some hard substance
will you smear
will you smell
will you smile
will you smoke
will you smother
will you smudge
will you sneeze
will you snip
will you snub
will you soak
will you soil
will you sow
will you spare
will you speak
will you spill
will you spin
will you spit up
will you splash
will you split
will you sponge up
will you spot
will you sprawl
will you spray
will you spray by hand
will you spread
will you spread blankets
will you spread fragrance
will you spread mattress or bedding
will you sprinkle
will you squash
will you squeeze
will you squirt
will you stab
will you stand
will you start something
will you stay
will you steal
will you steam boil
will you steep
will you stew
will you stick
will you stick surfaces
will you stifle
will you stir
will you stitch
will you stoop
will you stop
will you strain
will you strangulate
will you stretch
will you strew
will you strike
will you strip off
will you stroll
will you study
will you stuff in
will you submerge
will you suck
will you suck juicy mangos in their jackets etc.)
will you suckle
will you suffer
will you sulk
will you summon
will you suppress
will you suppress by weight
will you surpass
will you survive
will you swallow
will you sway
will you sweep
will you sweeten
will you swell
will you swerve
will you swig
will you swim
will you swindle
will you swing someone and fro
will you swirl
will you take
will you take a dip
will you take away
will you take bath
will you take care of
will you take in hand
will you take or slip off
will you take out for grazing
will you talk
will you talk harshly in loud voice
will you taunt and harass
will you teach
will you tear
will you tear away at
will you tear off
will you tell
will you terrorise
will you thatch
will you think
will you think out
will you threaten
will you throttle
will you throw
will you throw up
will you thrust in
will you tie
will you tighten
will you till
will you topple
will you torment
will you toss
will you touch
will you touch with feet
will you tow
will you train
will you trample
will you transport
will you travel
will you tread
will you tread across
will you trick
will you trouble
will you tuck in
will you turn over and over
will you turn round
will you turn something around
will you turnover
will you twirl
will you twist
will you twist around
will you unbuckle
will you unbutton
will you unfasten
will you unhitch
will you unload
will you unnerve
will you uproot
will you upset
will you urge on to hurry
will you urinate
will you veer off
will you vend
will you vex
will you view
will you vomit
will you wag
will you wait
will you wake
will you wake up
will you walk
will you walk around
will you wallow in water
will you warm
will you wash
will you wash clothes by pounding them on the floor remove the dirt
will you watch
will you water
will you wave round
will you wear
will you wear by twisting over the body
will you wear or pull on garments roughly
will you weave
will you weave the roof
will you weep
will you wet
will you wet grind
will you whirl
will you whisk of dust
will you whiten
will you whittle
will you winnow
will you wipe
will you witness
will you wobble
will you worsen
will you worship
will you wound
will you wrap
will you wrap yourself in
will you wring
will you write